Blog updater here! I have been so bad at posting the pictures to her wall that I am going to do it all right now since I finally have a computer that will let me do it! Thanks guys!
My MTC District that are also in Cinncy
Me and my glasses with Sister Nielsen in the back.
Us at Echo Park
We're Silly
The view of the city today during our District fun day
Our apartment
Maxine :)
Mike and I
I made breakfast!
Stef's ugly old dogged named Pepper Ann
Selfie of Stef and I
I chopped my hair
Sick Pic
This weird thing on the street is a weave
A weird tree in Madisonville
An apartment building named Mackenzie
Madisonville Bridge
Bengals truck
A Bavarian garbage can (German)
A sunset in Kentucky
Sis Mickelson looking like a librarian reading Sis N the white handbook
Elder Cromar and I (I forgot to zoom back out)
Elder Rudd, our district leader
The chalkboard at our last district meeting
Amie's daughter and friend reading to us "if you give a pig a cupcake"
Brother and Sister Taylor
Sister Lane drawing the Plan of Salvation on Amie's porch
Brother and Sister Taylors daughter in law with her baby
Christmas Devotional
JOHN! I got the little message you wrote me on the foil of the hot chocolate! You're silly.
We took the bus this week! The elders showed us how, sorry it's blurry
A random pig in Maderia
Sister Lane and I in the mirror when we filled up the font
A fat dog I saw this week that reminded me of Charlotte
Me when we weekly plan
Air Force Museum
Air Force Museum
MTC friends!
Driving home and saw this truck...not very smart!

Air Force Museum
Sister Johnson did that when she made my birthday dinner. She's the cutest!
The Koth Family! My favorite:) They made my birthday dinner!
Danny creepily standing in the window
Me when I feel sick waiting for the zone leaders
My other fav fam and Garrett on Sunday after dinner :)
Another funny bumper sticker
A Sunday evening in Ohio
Lola and me :)
Funny bumper sticker
The wall by my study desk!
Menchies on my birthday with our Sister Training Leaders :)
My birthday cake a member got. She didn't have enough room for "Sister"
Birthday picture!
Sister Johnson and I :)
Fred, a recent convert
Us and President Porter
The sign we made for Renee Koth's homecoming!
The Millar Family
The Lu family! A less active part member
I passed off my faith scriptures! When you pass them off you get a cool necklace :)
Sister Breeze. Enough said.
A bee that hitch hiked for like 10 miles... and then died
Cool Sunset
A gross dead spider on a less actives door. That's how we know he hasn't been there in a while
Creepy picture of Sister Breeze in bed. haha
My planner... haha
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